Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Drip of Blood From a Human (real story I'm writing)

Chapter 1 The Girl I Used To Know
   Drip drip drip the blood goes.Her heart skips a beat.Boom boom boom boom boom boom it goes.She can't fight it and she won't fight it."Do you need help?,"she asked."Yes yes I do thank you"the human replies.Will she?"I-I-I must"she says to herself.A train is coming.This can't be good."Don't thank me yet"she says.Then there.The trains horn went off.There the person lays.Dead on the floor.That's it shes not good anymore shes evil.She's evil thanks to that drip of a blood from a human.And she didn't even know I saw everything.Sadly this means war.Not just us,it's between good and evil.Nothing will ever be the same.
  Hi,my name is Sophie.I have black shinney hair and red eyes.I go to Vampire High and that girl I was talking about,she WAS my vampire bestie.Now shes just a jerk like major.Before we used to dress just casual and not fancy like.We used to hang out with eachother all the time.She now wears a black dress with black leggings with black high heels and a black bow.So she dresses like a fashionista and now she wears black which is her least favorite color.Whenever I go up and ask her:"Do you wanna hang out or each lunch together?"she'll always say something like this."Oh sorry I don't eat or hang out with losers"then she'll walk away laughing!!But get this,before her hair was brown but now it's blonde!!!So shes not changing and changing her mind back.Nope not at all.She's not the girl I used to know anymore.She'll never be the same.Instead of BFFL (Best friend for life) we are now arch enimes.Now and forever


  1. Please tell me if you want chapter 2 and chapter 2 is REALLY long

  2. LOVE it plz make more it would mean alot!
