Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chapter 2 (part of it)

Chapter 2 Highlight of My Day=Urggg!!
  "Awww man,1st day of school" I groan.I get up,put on jeans,red shirt,and red shoes.I brush my black silky hair then go to school.As I walk in,I see her.Her is Amy.Yeah she was the girl who used to be my best friend.Since I'm gonna see her 180 days,I might as well make the best of it."Hey Amy,"I say,"and friends" I continue saying dispisingly."Oh I'm sorry do you guys hear something?"she says to her 'friends'."Do you wanna hang out?"I say impaitently."Yeah sorry.I have this rule where vampires my kind-"she said before I cut her off."Your kind?"I say madly."We're all the same besides that you drink blood!"I continued."Yeah that's a huge difference."says that thing called Amy.Oh how I hate her."Anyway we can't hang out with loser vampires"she continues.I put my hand on my hips and rolled my eyes."Yeah and another reason we can't hang out is because I don't wear black nail polish"I said in a sarcastic voice."Now your getting it"she said with a smile.My mouth dropped open like,like,well,something opening."I can't belive you"I say"Well belive it.If you wanna be friends again just drink blood"she said"Yeah what will I achive from doing that?Kill people""Well you don't ALWAYS kill them"Amy said cheerfully."I hate you!Your the worst friend anyone could have!"I yelled.No one said anything-at least I thought."What did you just mutter?"I impaitently said."No wonder why i ditched you for them"she said."Urggg!!!!!!"I say."Too bad there nothing you can do about it.Whimp"she mocks.This time she said it loud enough where everyone could hear it."Ohhhhhhhhhhhh"they all went.That's it.I have had enough.I grabbed a cup of water,got close to Amy and said:"Who are you calling 'Whimp' you wet dog""Wet dog?" she confusingly said.Then I did it.I poured the water all over her.Everyone laughed."YOU JERK!THIS IS DESIGNER!"she yells."Opps I'm so sorry oh wait I'm not."I said guilty at the begining (on purpose) then said happily at the end.I started to walk away when Amy said,"Hey!Watch out today.You never know what will happen."Then she walked past me all diva like.Everyone was still staring at me."What?,"I said "you can go back to your undead life's now."Of course they still stared at me but soon they went back to their life's.Man the highlight of my day so far is terrible.Could it get possibly worse?DING!!!Yes.yes it could and it just did.It's 1st period just so you know.That is history.VAMPIRE HISTORY!!I may be a vampire,but I really hate learning about our auntsisters and junk like that.To me it's just a wste of time.Wouldn't you agree?Then again your not a vampire so don't answer that.Yeah don't