Sunday, October 14, 2012


Okie fair fair fair you put what I said on YOUR blog and now Ima put what YOU said on MY blog
Heres where Our conversation started:
In all fairness I was mad at her cuz she told my besties she was ugly just like her mom
Anyway heres more:
Yes I have thank you very much
Now here comes my good comeback ;DD
Ohhh you got poned there!
Messed up on one part on this chat aboove
Anyway seriously you call THAT fashion?Anything THIS is fashion
Anyway lets continue with out chat
I said that cuz i wanted her to come and when she did I went on cam and flipped her off :D Bahaha im so bad ;D
Got mad when she called me ugly so I called her ugly back >.<
got mad on that part too
This is the end now

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