Saturday, November 17, 2012


Sorry I haven't been on here alot Iv'e been busy with homework and hanging out with my friend Meslie on google+ and tinychat so yeah sorry
epic song :p

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Im So Close!

Gonna Let The Picture Explain It! Bye!
~Vas Happin? ;D

Help me guys!

i see something on my blog that says:
This webpage was blocked by an extension
This webpage was blocked by a third-party extension

HELP!! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!????????!!!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Here's some pics of my awful creations xD
I hate paint >______<
my terrible water slide xD
I was riding my terrible water slide XD ^^
My rollercoaster^^^
Here's my other world that i made statues for ihascupquake (minecrafter) and banapielord (other minecrafter)
My last world trying to make an adventure map but i can't XDD
sorry its messed up anyway thats all for now bye!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

damn this bitch puts a HELL of a fight up >________________________<
Hell of a fight:
*Zayn Malik Comes In*
Hell of a fight fight fight XD
shes the nice one xD
This has been a hell of a day

I think thats the last of em WHEW


Lose the additude BITCH -.-



Not Again... (Continued xD)

well she finally replied to me:
I Wonder if that annoyed her? :D

Not Again

Maybe These Pictures Will Help You Understand

She Hasnt Message Me Back Yet But Look:
Now She Messaged me back:
I dont think shell tell me but at least i got her to shutup! :D